Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Am Not An Extra in Your Movie....Your An Extra in Mine

Its amazing how all of us have this sad fantasy about how we were meant for greatness. Then we look around and realize that quite possibly, whatever we are doing right now at this moment may be the highlight of my life. It can be depressing - especially if what your doing right now isn't that great. I mean to be honest anyone can do what your doing right now. ...And with that being said, who are these celebrities to be hogging all the pleasure. You can just as well memorize some lines, or write insipid lyrics to a catchy beat, or work out and have a nice body. ...Yeah but, they probably have parents with money, or natural beauty, a great metabolism, or morning after pills. ...But hey, we can still live vicariously through them, with cable, magazines, gossip sites! My new celebrity alter-ego is now Brad Pitt...Isn't my life great!!!

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