Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Not Preparing For The Win, Is Preparing To Lose

Have you ever seen some progress in your life, or realize that your slowly on your way to accomplishing a set goal, and then got nervously afraid? If i do get to my goal, what will that mean? I would be, and be doing, something I have never been, or done before. Even though I am so close, I think I am going to quit. The fear has won again. The only good thing about living with fear, is that eventually it will go away, and then you only have to live with regret. Now that is something I can be proud of, because I can finally say that I beat the fear. But then again, I bet the living with regret is pretty awful too. I'll beat that too eventually with death though. I suppose in life, no one can really lose. What a comforting thought, I love winning. You know that is the real source of happiness - The accomplishing of goals!

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